PlumX Metrics are a primary source of article metrics, providing insights into the ways people interact with research in the online environment. By categorizing the metrics into five categories – Usage, Captures, Mentions, Social Media and Citations, PlumX helps makes sense of a large amount of metrics data and enables analysis by comparing metrics that are compatible.
Due to changes in market conditions, on 31 August 2023, Twitter metrics will no longer be included in PlumX Metrics.
With this change, Twitter tweets and retweets will no longer appear in the Metrics section on the artifact details pages. Twitter data will also no longer be available via the PlumX Metrics API, and will also be removed from other Elsevier solutions such as ScienceDirect, Digital Commons (including Digital Commons dashboards) and Pure.
PlumX Metrics will continue to be an important part of article metrics measuring the impact of online research.
We will regularly evaluate our data source providers in line with end user requirements and market conditions.
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